Openning Ceremony of the project "Further improvement of administrative capacities and external audit efficiency of State Audit Office" MK 13 IPA FI 01 17 R

Video - part 1

Video - part 2

Video - part 3

Mission 2.5.3 To review and improve the tools for internal quality control and quality assurance of audits established in SAO

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Mission To perform 4 pilot performance audits on EU Funds, ICT, public procurement and progress in implementing public internal financial control

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Mission 1.2.1 - The first Mission 1.2.1 under Activity 1.2. To elaborate and implement a strategic planning process developed in line with SAO priorities and resources within the framework of Component 1 Further improvement of audit process as per ISSAI

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Mission 1.4.8 To plan and implement two regularity audits

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Mission Performance audit on the Cross-border cooperation programme - Ministry of Local Self-government

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