Openning Ceremony of the project "Further improvement of administrative capacities and external audit efficiency of State Audit Office" MK 13 IPA FI 01 17 R

Video - part 1

Video - part 2

Video - part 3

Mission 1.4.7 - А To plan and implement two regularity audits

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Mission 1.6.1 - “Analysis of the system approaches applied in audit of financial statements of the political parties in EU MS”

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Mission To perform 4 pilot performance audits on EU Funds, ICT, public procurement and progress in implementing public internal financial control

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Mission To perform 4 pilot performance audits on EU Funds, ICT, public procurement and progress in implementing public internal financial control

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Mission regarding pilot performance audit in the public in procurement area under Activity 2.2. To perform 4 pilot performance audits on EU Funds, ICT, public procurement and progress in implementing public internal financial control

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Mission To perform 4 pilot performance audits on EU Funds, ICT, public procurement and progress in implementing public internal financial control

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Mission 1.4.3-A To plan and implement two regularity audits

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Mission 1.4.5 - А To plan and implement two regularity audits

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Mission 2.5.2 - To review and improve the tools for internal quality control and quality assurance of audits established in SAO

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Mission regarding pilot performance audit on the Measures and activities taken by the Ministry of Information Society and Administration for the full implementation of the IT system for human resources management in the public sector institutions

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Mission 1.1.8 – The eighth mission for Component 1 Further improvement of audit process as per ISSAI within Activity 1.1 To develop an assessment report on improvement of the audit process as per ISSAIs

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Mission 1.6.2., Activity 1.6. “To perform comparative analysis of EU best practices in the field of audit of political parties”

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