Openning Ceremony of the project "Further improvement of administrative capacities and external audit efficiency of State Audit Office" MK 13 IPA FI 01 17 R

Video - part 1

Video - part 2

Video - part 3

Mission 1.5.2 - The second mission for Component 1 Further improvement of audit process as per ISSAI within Activity 1.5 To train up to 30 SAO staff in strategic planning of audit and in the audit process based on new developed or improved methodology

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Mission 4.2.1 To improve the design and functionality of the SAO Website

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Activity 1.7 - Internship carried out at BNAO

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Mission Performance audit on the Cross-border cooperation programme - Ministry of Local Self-government

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Mission 4.3.1 - To review and update the present communication component within the SAO strategic documents in the next strategic programing cycle 2018-2022

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Mission 4.2.2 To improve the design and functionality of the SAO website

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Mission 1.4.2-M To plan and implement two regularity audits

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Mission To perform 4 pilot performance audits on EU Funds, ICT, public procurement and progress in implementing public internal financial control

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Mission 4.3.2 To review and update the present communication component within the SAO strategic documents in the next strategic programming cycle 2018-2022

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Mission 1.3.3 To improve the methodological acts and tools

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Mission To perform 4 pilot performance audits on EU Funds, ICT, public procurement and progress in implementing public internal financial control

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Mission 1.4.6 - М To plan and implement two regularity audits

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