The Bulgarian National Audit Office supports the EUROSAI Governing Board’s position on Ukraine
“The Governing Board of EUROSAI suspends all cooperation with the SAI of the Russian Federation and the SAI of the Republic of Belarus and calls upon EUROSAI members to refrain from any cooperation with those SAIs, including from participation in the events organized by those within or outside the cooperation frameworks of EUROSAI and INTOSAI”, states the EUROSAI Governing Board in its Statement from 4 March 2022, which we publish herewith.
The EUROSAI Governing Board also calls upon its members to pledge maximum support and assistance to the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine in performing its duties and maintaining its independence.
The Bulgarian National Audit Office fully supports the EUROSAI Governing Board’s Statement on the situation in Ukraine and expresses its deep concern and sympathy for the suffering of the Ukrainian people.
“We are gravely concerned for our colleagues from the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine and we will do everything within our powers to help them in these difficult times. We are ready to provide humanitarian assistance – food, clothes, medicines, etc., through the Bulgarian Red Cross”, pointed out the BNAO President, Mr. Tzvetan Tzvetkov.