
The President of the Bulgarian National Audit Office Tzvetan Tzvetkov and the Vice – President, Toshko Todorov, donated to the Bulgarian Red Cross essential goods for the those in need in Ukraine, bought with funds provided by the employees in the institution.

The Bulgarian National Audit Office initiated the donation campaign for its colleagues from the Supreme Audit Institution of Ukraine and their families. Following a consultation with the Bulgarian Red Cross what provisions are of most essential needs and can be most recently transported to Ukraine, tents 3 by 6 meters sheltering 6-8 people, blankets, women's and men's clothes, lanterns and batteries for them were purchased.

The Bulgarian SAI received an address of thanks, which says: "We highly appreciate your humane gesture and empathy for those in need." The Deputy Director General of the BRC, Dr. Slavita Jambazova, also expressed her gratitude.

The BRC is organizing a humanitarian convoy to the affected country these days.