Goritsa Grancharova - Kozhareva attended a Global Summit of the Supreme Audit Institutions
Goritsa Grancharova - Kozhareva, Acting President of the Bulgarian National Audit Office, was a guest at the ceremony marking the 160th anniversary of the Romanian Court of Accounts. The Forum was held in the period 17-19 September in Bucharest under the motto „Responsibility, relevance and sustainability in a world of challenges“, and served as a platform for exchange of experience and ideas between the Heads of the Supreme Audit Institutions from INTOSAI*, representatives of international organisations and Romanian state authorities.
Among the guests were the President of Romania, Mr. Klaus Iohannis, the Prime Minister, Mr. Marcel Ciolacu, the President of the Senate, Mr. Nicolae Ciucă, the Interim President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Romanian Parliament, Mr. Alfred-Robert Simonis, representatives of the World Bank, European Court of Auditors and Supreme Audit Institutions, including Mr. Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States and Head of the U.S. Government Accountability Office.
The President of the Romanian Court of Accounts, Mr. Mihai Busuioc, made a review of the development of the Romanian Court of Accounts and the modernisation of the institution, focusing on the change in the way the audit reports are prepared, the updating of the audit methodology to international standards and the transition to conducting an IT audit.
The partnership between the Bulgarian National Audit Office and the Romanian Court of Accounts is being developed with priority in the field of the information systems auditing, based on the cooperation agreement, signed earlier this year, Ms Grancharova said. She emphasized that the digitalization of the processes in the public sector also requires the conduction of IT audit in order to enable the Supreme Audit Institutions to meet new challenges while continuing to add value to the public sector and the citizens.
On the occasion of its 160th anniversary, the Romanian Court of Accounts released a special issue of postage stamps.
*INTOSAI is International Professional Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions. It was founded in 1953 in Cuba. It has 192 Supreme Audit Institutions as members. The Bulgarian National Audit Office was admitted as a member of INTOSAI on 12 July 2001. INTOSAI is a globally recognised leader, it issues international auditing standards, develops methodologies, provides training and promotes the exchange of information between the members.