Audit activity
The National Audit Office shall audit:
- the state budget;
- the budget of the public social security scheme;
- the budget of the National Health Insurance Fund;
- the budgets of municipalities;
- other budgets adopted by the National Assembly.
The National Audit Office shall also audit:
- the budgets of budget authorisers referred to in paragraph 1 and the management of their property;
- the budgets of budget organisations under Article 13, paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Public Finance Act;
- the budgetary funds granted to persons engaged in business activities;
- the accounts for European Union funds and funds under other international programmes and agreements referred to in Article 8, paragraphs 2 and 4 of the Public Finance Act, including their management by the relevant authorities and by the end users of such funds;
- the budget expenditures of the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) and their management;
- the formulation of any annual surplus of income over the expenditure of the BNB that is payable into the state budget, and any other dealings of the Bank with the state budget;
- the origination and management of the government debt, the government guaranteed debt, the municipal debt, and the utilisation of debt instruments;
- the privatisation and the granting of concession of state and municipal property, as well as the public resources and public assets placed at the disposal of parties outside the public sector;
- the execution of international agreements, treaties, conventions or other international instruments, where so provided for in the respective international instrument or assigned by an empowered authority;
- other public resources, assets and activities, where so assigned by law.
The National Audit Office shall audit:
- state enterprises referred to in Article 62, paragraph 3 of the Commerce Act;
- commercial companies with 50% and more than 50% stakeholding of the state and/or municipalities;
- legal entities with liabilities guaranteed by the state or liabilities guaranteed with state and/or municipal property.
The National Audit Office shall audit the management and disposal of public assets and liabilities, regardless of the grounds for said management and disposal and the legal situation of the persons performing it.
The National Audit Office shall prepare reports containing opinions on the implementation of the state budget, the budget of the public social security scheme, the budget of the National Health Insurance Fund and on the budgetary expenditure of the BNB and put forward these reports to the National Assembly.
The National Audit Office shall carry out:
- financial audits;
- compliance audits;
- performance audits;
- specific audits.
"Financial audit" shall mean the expressing of an independent audit opinion regarding the degree to which the annual financial statements of a budget organisation give a true and fair view of its financial position and property in accordance with the identified common financial reporting framework.
"Compliance audit" shall mean the review of the financial management and control systems, including internal audit, and managerial decisions relating to the organisation, planning, management, reporting and control of budgetary and other public resources and activities within the audited organisation in respect of its adherence to requirements set out in statutory instruments, internal instruments and agreements.
"Performance audit" shall mean the review of activities pertaining to the planning, implementation and control at all management levels within the auditee regarding their effectiveness, efficiency and economy, whereby:
- "effectiveness" shall mean the extent to which the auditee has achieved its objectives while comparing actual and anticipated results of its operations;
- "efficiency" shall mean the achievement of optimum results with the resources employed by the auditee in carrying out its operations;
- "economy" shall mean the obtaining, at minimum cost, of the resources the auditee needs in order to perform its operations, while observing the resource quality requirements.