Mission 2.3.4 under Activity 2.3 - To perform trainings in performance audit and audit of EU funds, Second mission for Component 2 Strengthening of SAO audit capacities aimed to provide training in audit of EU funds
The auditors of BC SAO expressed their satisfaction and gratitude to their colleagues from the BNAO for their regular training and shared experience in auditing the implementation and auditing of EU funds - two important types of audits. One of them shall mean the review of activities pertaining to the planning, implementation and control at all management levels within the auditee regarding their effectiveness, efficiency and economy, and the other is of great importance in the future when managing EU funds. Lecturers from the BNAO have supported their thesis with examples from the practice since Bulgaria was a member of the EU. Certificates were handed over to the trainees.
Mission period: 11-13.06 2018 г.
Bulgarian Short term experts (STEs):
Detelina Hadjieva
Ivanka Kesyakova