Activity 1.7 - Internship carried out at BNAO
SAO delegation completed a five-day study visit (21 -25 January 2019) to the Bulgarian National Audit Office, as part of the activities of Component 1 „Further improvement of audit process as per ISSAI” of the ongoing Twinning project MK 13 IPA FI 01 17 R.
The President of the Bulgarian National Audit Office Tzvetan Tzvetkov welcomed the SAO delegation headed by Tania Janevska, Assistant to the Auditor General and BC Project Leader.
Experience was exchanged in the fields of the implementations in practice of performance audit, compliance audit of commercial companies and state-owned enterprises, audit of political parties and financial audit.
Main highlights were put on the audit methodology, examining case studies, preparing documentation and working papers and applying in practice of the audit methodology.
The participants discussed the possibilities for improvement of the audit methodology of the State Audit Office of the Republic of Macedonia.
Experience also was exchanged in the fields of the preparation and presentation of information on audit reports for the media and on the website of the BNAO.
The participants in the internship visited the BNAO Regional Audit Office in Plovdiv where they were acquainted with the activities carried out by the Regional Office in relation to financial audits and compliance audits, and communication with the BANO Headquarters in Sofia.